The Natural Child Project The Natural Child Project
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A New Way of Seeing Children

"It was ten o'clock at night. Little Aaron, about five, was ahead of me in a long line of people waiting to look through the telescope at the Nature Center..."

Breastfeeding: New Discoveries

"A lot has been written about breast­feeding in recent years, and if you are the parent of an infant or small child, you have undoubtedly read at least a little on the subject already..."

IKSWAL: Interesting Kids Saddled with Alienating Labels

"Instead of celebrating the natural diversity of all our students, we package many of their natural differences into neat little pathological categories..."

Global Children's Art Gallery

Now remastered in high definition, the delightful and whimsical works of art in our online gallery can be viewed in exquisite detail like never before!

Picture sources:     1       2       3       4    

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Celebrating attachment
parenting, unschooling,
child advocacy since 1996

Our vision is a world in which
all children are
respect, understanding,
and compassion.
In such a
world, every child

can grow
into adulthood
with a generous
capacity for love and trust.

Creating a Peaceful World through Parenting