The Natural Child Project The Natural Child Project
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Jan Hunt - Biography

Jan Hunt, B.A. Psychology (Magna cum Laude), M.Sc. Counseling Psychology, is the Director of the Natural Child Project, an attachment parenting/unschooling counselor, and a member of the advisory boards of Attachment Parenting International, Holistic Moms Network, and Child-Friendly Initiative.

Jan is the author of The Natural Child: Parenting From the Heart and the bilingual children's picture book A Gift for Baby, and co-edited The Unschooling Unmanual with her always-unschooled son, Jason. Many of her articles are available online at

Jan envisions "a world in which all children are treated with dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion." She lives on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

Published works

Professional Recommendations

"I consider Jan Hunt's writing as exceptionally clear, based on facts, and coming out of her own experience. Parents rarely find in the press the essential, precious information her work could give them. I very much hope that her strong voice will become more and more known in the world through her lucid, well-informed writing." - Dr. Alice Miller, author of Breaking Down the Wall of Silence and Thou Shalt Not Be Aware

"Jan's writing is insightful, carefully thought out, wonderfully readable, and very useful. I wish for her writing to have as large an audience as possible. Adults all over the world need to hear the ideas she expresses so well." - Rick Lahrson, Executive Director, The Kids' Project